75 QUOTES: PRNews Measurement Conference 2018 TakeAway

P+ Measurement Service
7 min readOct 26, 2020


Missed the #PRNews Measurement Conference 2018?

Find below quotes, advice, insight into data, measurement industry analysis and supporting photos.

Appreciate the value of data to provide micro and macro level insights #PRnews @HugleyA

No wonder data geeks get no respect: 3/4 of marketers believe the culture of measurement is killing creativity ow.ly/xED730jzXRj #measurepr #prnews @queenofmetrics

“You’ve got to get beyond the numbers and force yourself to make the data actionable.” #prnews @clightner

“Great creative requires great data.” — @HugleyA #prnews

Numbers are a language — just another way to communicate. [Don’t fear data.] #PRNews #DataAnalytics #math #NoFear @HugleyA

55% of CMOs expect artificial intelligence to have a bigger impact on marketing and communications than social media #PRnews @HugleyA

CMOs are making a high investment in analytics, but the perception of utility is low. #PRnews @HugleyA

According to @adage, in the next three years, marketing dept. will dedicate 22% of their budget to analytics…yet companies still use less than 1/3 of their data to drive biz decisions #PRNews

The spend on analytics is going up in marketing departments but the use of them is staying flat @HugleyA #PRnews

@queenofmetrics says

Measurement is often the least interesting part of what we do. But it can be much more than dashboards. #PRNews #measurementmatters @HugleyA

“The headline should tell the story when reporting on your key findings” — #PRNews #PRstrategy @clightner

Apply “less is more” philosophy to your metrics — and make them count. #PRNews #measurementmatters @ThereseVanRyne

Best PR plan of the year: Boeing CCO says that Boeing plans to go into space next year and bring Elon’s car back to him. Talk about getting the innovation message out there. #prnews

PR people are strategists, not order takers — #PRnews Phil Musser @Boeing

Humans still matter — not only do we need to gather the right data, but also determine the insights to make it actionable #PRNews @kailajgarrison

Humans still matter! All the data is great but you need to be able to analyze it to craft better campaigns. — @kailajgarrison #prnews

Truest statement of the conference 😂 #PRNews

Beware the “graphic seduction of PR.” Data needs context and further investigation. If it doesn’t mean anything, please stop. #PRNews Johna Burke

1% of influencers are creating the content, 9% curate and 90% listen #PRMeasurement #PRNews @alanchumley

Influence is not defined by reach #PRNews @alanchumley

Facebook is going to starting suppressing news and elevating user content — further highlighting the importance of influencers. #PRNews @alanchumley

“Influencers are the new media outlets” @alanchumley #prnews

In social media, you shouldn’t be renting, you should be owning. #PRNews @scottgerber

Real relationships take real time and real effort. You CANNOT cheat real time. — #superconnector #PRNews @scottgerber

You can’t buy your audience. They won’t be your true community.! #prnews @scottgerber

A social media manager is not necessarily a community manager. Community managers lead discourse and help people actually get to know each other @scottgerber

An AVE is a false metric. It’s not giving you any value. I do see impressions the same way. Impressions say how many people potentially saw it. It generates success theatre. #PRNews @tmccorkindale

The minds of your target audience are the ultimate algorithm. #prnews #DataAnalytics #socialmedia #pr

@queenofmetrics says purpose of #PR measurement is improvement, not justification #PRNews

“Create a single source of truth rather than data silos” #PRNews #measurementmatters @coryedwards

You don’t have to like measuring communications… you just have to do it. #PRNews @coryedwards

What does measurement do for communications people? 1. Protects your budget 2. Shows PR value per @ClevelandClinic’s Eileen Sheil

Measurement protects your budget + shows the value of PR, per #PRNews @ClevelandClinic’s Eileen Sheil.

Transparency deeply resonates with audiences and positively influences sentiment. #prnews @CleClinicNews

“We can’t rely on our opinions to drive communications” #PRNews @kieranfagan

Every organization has fans. Make them work for you. #PRNews @SamanthaWood @Eagles

Keep social KPIs flexible! Yesterday’s fans and followers are today’s reach and engagement — what will tomorrow bring? #futureproofing #PRNews @visitphilly

Social media tips from #VisitPhilly #PRNews

Video views are a vanity metric. Instead, analyze actual minutes viewed. Facebook counts a view as just 3 seconds. #socialdata #PRNews @visitphilly

Number of video views = vanity metric #PRNews @visitphilly

Position communications measurement as a tool for continuous improvement — don’t take victory laps #PRNews @kieranfagan

“Opinions are like mixtapes — I don’t want to hear yours,” from Aetna #PRNews #lol @kieranfagan

“Communications can’t run on opinions.” You need data #PRNews @kieranfagan

“If we have data, let’s use data. If all we have are opinions, let’s use mine.” — #PRNews James Barksdale, former CEO of Netscape

Congrats to the 2018 Measurement Hall of Fame Inductees: @ReputationRx, @jimmacnamara and @tmccorkindale #PRNews

The availability of data is only going to expand. Communication professionals need to acquire research and evaluation skills to improve their practice. #PRNews #data

Expand your knowledge. Know how to use the data and the tools. “It’s no use having a smart car if you can’t drive.” — #prnews Jim Macnamara

Measurement tips @KarenitaV #PRNews

As a #PR pro, it’s your responsibility to be a connector between your client and the media. #prnews @Boscovs

“When I read engagement/social reports every day…I ask: are audiences coming back?” — #prnews @terryegger, CEO of @PhillyInquirer

As a PR person we should “be the conduit for genuine conversation” says Jim Boscov, chairman and CEO of @Boscovs #PRNews

“Impressions are a measure of output, not outcomes” #PRNews @tmccorkindale

The challenge of data communication is finding the right metrics for the right people, and communicating them in ways that resonate with them. Great point from Chris Scully #PRNews #datarocks

Newspapers will not survive if they rely on advertising, They need to produce a product that people are willing to pay for. #PRNews according to CEO of Phila Media Network (Phila Inquirer).

News organizations don’t want to be “PR’d.” They want direct and meaningful relationships with valuable sources. #PRNews @PhillyInquirer

With the continued growth of social media, communicators have the opportunity to play a bigger role within companies. #PRNews

Sobering stat: Only 13% of the world population enjoys a free press #PRNews

” If you’re using ad value equivalencies as a PR pro, then you’re doing it all wrong.” -@tmccorkindale #prnews

An AVE is a false metric. It’s not giving you any value. I do see impressions the same way. Impressions say how many people potentially saw it. It generates success theatre. @tmccorkindale #PRNews

85% of Facebook users keep the sound off. Something to think about if your posts are effective only with audio #PRNews

“Impressions” are just an output, not an outcome. As a metric, it just creates “success theatre.” #PRNews #VanityMetrics #DataAnalytics @InstituteForPR

“The purpose of measurement is improvement, not justification.” @queenofmetrics #PRNews

I long for the day when HR and Legal report into Communications. “This might not be a measurement conference in 5 years but a customer experience Conf” #PRNews @queenofmetrics

Data is the language of management — get used to it @queenofmetrics #PRNews

Develop personas for social media channels to inform content development & tone that will drive KPI performance. #PRNews @Carly_Keeny @PhillySJUnited

To successfully measure your communications, you need to determine metrics at the start. Don’t wait. And seek alignment. #PRNews #measurementmatters

Still fighting the good fight, data vs opinions #PRNews #teamdata

Just because you have followers, doesn’t mean you’re engaging them. You need to look at metrics that are available to you. #PRNews #measurementmatters

“PR is a means to an end. It’s not a vanity project.” #PRNews

Math and communications may not always mix, but they should. Communicators need basic math skillls. #PRNews

Executives don’t always understand communication metrics. Put metrics in context they can understand. #PRNews

Share of voice is easy to understand especially for the C-suite mainly because they are naturally competitive. Go beyond impressions and showcase client vs. competitor’s #PRNews

“It’s not about big data, but about how you use it to improve your programs” — #QueenofMetrics #PRNews

“This might not be a measurement conference in 5 years but a customer experience Conf” #PRNews @queenofmetrics

When someone is nicknamed the #QueenofMetrics you listen up #PRNews

Figure out your “champagne moment” and build your comms plan around it — @queenofmetrics #PRNews

“Numbers don’t lie.” Show leadership the numbers. Data show ROI. #PRNews

Zuckerberg reminded us all of the power that comes from knowing your audience. @PRNews: #PRNews

How fast can a crisis move? 28% of crises spread internationally within 1 hour yet it takes on average 21 hours for companies to issue meaningful communication #PRNews

You can’t buy your audience. They won’t be your true community. @scottgerber
Not all measures are created equal #PRNews
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P+ Measurement Service

P+ Measurement Services is an Independent PR measurement and evaluation consultancy.