#EvaluatePR Takeaway- July Edition

P+ Measurement Service
12 min readSep 30, 2020

Missed the #EvaluatePR July Edition?

Find the recap below.


Barbara Bassi @BassiBbassi

Francois Van Dyk @sbalie

Godfrey Adejumoh @godfrey_adejumo

Q1: Can we meet you professionally (name, profession and company)? #EvaluatePR


A1: Francois van Dyk, Head: Operations, Ornico @OrnicoMedia #EvaluatePR


I am Godfrey Adejumoh, Corporate Communications Manager, Unilever Nigeria #EvaluatePR


A1 Barbara Bassi Founder BBConsulting, @AmecOrg Board member and EU Chapter Chair #EvaluatePR

Q2: Kindly share an insight on “Why PR Measurement Report should be an Integrated Report#EvaluatePR


An integrated report is the only way to show the socio-economic impact of campaign #EvaluatePR @BassiBbassi @sbaile

AVE reports are not in-depth. They only show equivalent of spend in PR campaign. This in most cases is never enough to show the impact of a campaign #EvaluatePR

Integrated reports are the surest way to validate the impact of a campaign by brands. In my view, there should be a pre and post evaluation for report to be truly integrated #EvaluatePR


A2: Many practitioners see PR as just media relations and hence just measure outputs such as articles and broadcast clips. PR is a much bigger and evolving field and the PESO model is now crucial #EvaluatePR

A2: Your own website, events, paid social and internal comms all matter. True ROI can be calculated and measured by integrating, measuring and evaluating various data from #PR #Sales #IT and other sources #EvaluatePR


A2 PR and marketing used to be distinct disciplines. Paid and earned media efforts have always been explained and used separately. With the advent of the web owned media earned their own place beside the other two #EvaluatePR

A2 After the adoption of digital marketing and social media the paid-earned-owned media model was broken and a new model segmenting channels for marketing — the PESO by @ginidietrich — came to life #EvaluatePR

A2 As marketers we tend to choose the channel we feel more comfortable with, according to our background but the real success of the PESO model lies in the combination and integration of the four types of channels #EvaluatePR

A2 PR can benefit from the PESO model, pursuing the objectives of a campaign using all channels. PR measurement must follow this logic, taking into account the integration of channels #EvaluatePR


A2: PR Measurement Report is the only way to show the impact of a PR campaign. Also, it provides a basis to draw lessons, insights. #EvaluatePR


A2/1. PR measurement must and should be integrated to give a holistic view of the entire media used in carrying out a PR campaign. #EvaluatePR

A2/2. The AMEC Integrated framework is one that helps PR professional organized and itemized their activities which gives a clear view of expectation/goal/objective from the entire PESO model. #EvaluatePR


PR Measurement Report should be an Integrated Report because PR Measurement helps to validate your PR efforts for achieving your organization’s objectives. #EvaluatePR

The absence of measurement in certain areas (Brand Building, for example) leads to misinterpretation of your company’s performance. #EvaluatePR

In addition, having a well-integrated and encompassing PR Measurement Report allows you to assess your past performances and to plan your future strategies. It is critical for planning budgets and setting key performance indicators. #EvaluatePR


A2: PR Measurement Report is advised to be integrated. This is because it cuts across the PESO media — Paid Media, Earned Media, Shared Media and Owned Media. (1/2) #EvaluatePR

A2: It ensures that your metrics on clients’ or brands’ dashboard isn’t complex yet speaking a relatable language of the client/brands’ business (2/2) #EvaluatePR


A2: PR Measurement report should be integrated because it enhances the way organizations think, plan, and report the story of their business and product #EvaluatePR


A2: A brand should be able to view its performance in all the news media and so a report should be able to tell the brands story using data gathered from traditional, social and online media. #EvaluatePR

Q3: Please highlight the importance of social media measurement to a brand? #EvaluatePR


A3: It is track-able, you see the likes, views, engagements, impressions and more at a go. #EvaluatePR

A3: Social media has bridged the divide between brands and consumers. Through social media reports, brands are becoming more transparent and showing a sense of higher integrity #EvaluatePR

Social media reports have also become very important as it has moved conversations between B2B and B2C to H2H — Human to Human integrations #EvaluatePR

A3: We have seen the power of social media in dictating the pace for brands. Brands connect more directly through social media. #EvaluatePR

A3: Social media has ushered in a new era of citizen journalism. This has been made possible with the power of mobile devices. #EvaluatePR


A3 Consumers are always connected and often ask each other what the right product to satisfy their needs is. This happens in real time and has changed the market forever #EvaluatePR

A3: The continuous interaction amongst consumers happens also in relations to opinions concerning many different things like politics, religion, health and so on #EvaluatePR

A3: Consumers can also start direct conversations through social media. A brand online can reach them talking to them one by one, offering products mostly personalized and foreseeing needs and requests #EvaluatePR

A3 Communications and investments mix has changed for many companies, with a shift towards the digital environment and influencer marketing #EvaluatePR

A3 How can a brand neglect to measure quantitatively and qualitatively conversations on social media? Doing this would mean assuming we do not live in the digital era, within a new economy #EvaluatePR

A3 Digital tools, in terms of communications, allow communicating much better, with objective and measurable results #EvaluatePR


A3: Social media gave a voice to consumers, an amplified word of mouth. Brands cannot just talk but should also listen #goodrelationships #social #measurement and #evaluation is one of the strongest listening tools a brand can have #EvaluatePR


The relationship between the brand and consumer is unique and should be dealt with in the same light. Social media aids this. You have said it all, @sbalie


A3. #Socialmediameasurement helps us to Understand How Social Media Fits into clients Business and also gives an analytical view on how client’s Social media effort is attracting businesses. Finally, #SMM saves time and helps improve brand ROI. #EvaluatePR


A3: This basically gives an insight to consumer perception about the brand.

– Who did we reach?

– Where did we reach them?

– What were people saying?

– Why did they say that?

– What platforms did we get the most traction?

– Where should we focus more? #EvaluatePR


Carefully analysed. @Social_Buddie Without the aforementioned, brands take little or no step. #EvaluatePR


Yes. These answers should be present in reports. #EvaluatePR


  1. It enables us to track brand performance on various platforms.
  2. Recognition of influencers and loyalists.
  3. Comparison of various platforms.
  4. Understand the trend growth of a brand per campaign. (1/2) #EvaluatePR
  5. Saves time.
  6. Improve your return of investment & objective.
  7. Understanding your reach, engagement and influence which will help you define your presence and impact, which can then be applied as a model to other social networks. (2/2) #EvaluatePR


A3: Social media measurement helps our clients to analyse the reach and result of their PR campaign post as well as identifying influencers and their attitude towards the clients brand/post. #EvaluatePR


A3: Social Media Measurement will help the PR Professional gain a 360-degree view of PR impact, its effect on corporate reputation and purchase intent, and what parts of the PR and marketing program are having the most impact. #EvaluatePR

Such information will prove invaluable in making decisions for the brand. Hence, PR Professionals should be interested in measuring, not just mentions they place, but mentions they didn’t help create. Most of these mentions are on social media. #EvaluatePR


A3: (1/2) Influence — This allows a company insight into their consumer minds and can help businesses or product pick up on trends Engagement — It is helpful to look at what people comment about your brand, what people are actually tweeting about your products #EvaluatePR

A3: (2/2) Competitive Mind Share — this information allows individuals not only to track their products, but also competitor’s activity and exactly how big your piece of the pie is. #EvaluatePR

Q4: Crisis is inevitable for brands and industry, what is the role of Media Monitoring in Crisis Management? #EvaluatePR


A4: #mediamonitoring you need to keep immediate track of conversations in traditional/social media. Have a plan and responses ready for different scenarios. But respond appropriately and when needed #EvaluatePR

A4: Crisis plan needs to be clear. A complaint is not necessarily a crisis — be careful as a heavy-handed response could backfire and lead to a much bigger crisis #EvaluatePR


A4: A lot of brands make the mistake of responding to anything from anywhere. With monitoring, you define clearly your channel(s) and respond rightly in a bespoke manner to each channel #EvaluatePR


Bespoke — Personally tailored to suit brands’ purpose, objective. Kudos, well put, sir @godfrey_adejumo #EvaluatePR


A4: The first role of media monitoring in crisis management is the ability to provide real time response #EvalutePR

A4: Gone are the days where we have to wait for 24hours to get news update. The world has gone digital and the role monitoring has also evolved. Brands that are not monitoring are the path of extinct #EvaluatePR

A4: Monitoring gives room for brands to re-access themselves, ask basic questions of Why, what, when, who, where…? #EvaluatePR

A4: A lot of brands make the mistake of responding to anything from anywhere. With monitoring, you define clearly your channel(s) and respond rightly in a bespoke manner to each channel #EvaluatePR

A4: My take on monitoring in crisis is be specific in messaging. Tailor your responses to each channel in bespoke manner. This is only possible with monitoring #EvaluatePR

A4: Monitoring helps to filter the noise and keep you focus on the core essence of your message in crisis management #EvaluatePR


A4 Gathering news from a variety of publications and channels is vital especially when you need to manage a crisis. A good monitoring tool/provider can determine the success or failure in a crisis management #EvaluatePR

A4 Some tools — talking especially about social media — have alert systems in place which could help you to understand in advance if certain topics are raising attention, in order to let you move accordingly #EvaluatePR

A4 A good tool should provide you with comprehensive reports and analytics to make you quickly understand the key numbers involved in the coverage and what could be the impact of bad news, both in quantitative and qualitative terms #EvaluatePR

A4 SO my advice is to invest energy and money in selecting and choosing the right tool and the right provider as this would mean time-saving and faster decision #EvaluatePR


A4: Media Monitoring is very important in crisis management. It helps a brand understand just how much of a mess they are in and also to take informed next steps in communication. #EvaluatePR


A4: #Mediamonitoring during PR crisis management helps our client’s to understand the actual magnitude of the problem so they can act accordingly to the real size of the problem. #EvaluatePR

A4: Finally, #Mediamonitoring doesn’t only save your brand sometime of wondering around off the topic but also help your brand to build a defense strategy which will lead you to the point of the situation and fix it strategically. #EvaluatePR


A4: Media Monitoring help brands to listen to the conversation(Positive or Negative) on the internet and also measure how bad and big the situation is by checking if there are many people and conversations that are related to the problem and the brand. #EvaluatePR


A: 4 Media Monitoring helps in crisis to assess the situation early on and providing responses effectively. #EvaluatePR


A4: News can quickly spread and go viral through multiple media channels. Slow or inappropriate responses during a fast-moving crisis can cause severe reputational damage to a brand. Loss of reputation almost inevitably leads to financial loses. #EvaluatePR

With an active media monitoring service, organizations can monitor multiple social media channels simultaneously and analyze large volumes of data quickly. #EvaluatePR

Media Monitoring can provide real insights into consumer sentiment. It can also identify a developing media crisis involving your brand before it explodes, and it can keep close watch over a crisis in progress. #EvaluatePR


#EvaluatePR A4: prevention is better than cure. You need to have a standby PR team and interconnected media monitoring platform such as #cision that can track, trace and prevent the crisis before going out of hands. https://t.co/CwHHRIyCkN

Q5: Kindly share your favorite quote on Measurement & Evaluation #EvaluatePR


A5: “It is not just a pat on the back. Measurement is about marking, but evaluation is about improving.” Anonymous


A5 I would like to share the words of William Edwards Deming, who contributed a lot to the improvement of industrial production in US and Japan after WW2: “Without data, you are just another person with an opinion” #EvaluatePR

A5 I believe Deming’s quote can easily be applied to communication and PR industry. With an appropriate use of data our business could only improve. Otherwise, it will more and more value to the eyes of the C-Suite #EvaluatePR


Think this might interest you! https://t.co/ndoZuF5b98


A5: “What’s gets measured, gets managed” — Peter Drucker #EvaluatePR

A5: “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so” — Galileo Galilei #EvaluatePR


A5: 50 million impressions, isn’t the same thing as 50 million potential consumers. Don’t take a piss in the wind. #EvaluatePR


A5: When dealing with PR data, approximately right is better than precisely wrong. #EvaluatePR


A5: If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you are doing. #EvaluatePR


There is no point in just putting something out in the ether and not listening to the echoes. #EvaluatePR


A5: “Just Like Happiness, Measurement is a Journey, not a Destination.”


A5: Gone are the days when communicators can shy away from measurement. Taming the data wilderness yields improved campaigns, strong partnerships with the c-suite, and better business results. #EvaluatePR

Q6: Your advice to PR pros that do not #EvaluatePR


A6 I know measuring may appear hard to those who have not started yet. My advice is to start with investment in a good training in order to get basic knowledge avoiding the most common mistakes #EvaluatePR

A6 Then define the object of your campaign and what you want to measure against the objectives. A good way to understand the process you need to follow is the @AmecOrg framework, available on the AMEC website #EvaluatePR

A6 If the issue is to make a client understand the level of maturity of its measurement approach, @AmecOrg is developing a Maturity Model, which helps yo understand where you are and where you need to go #EvaluatePR

A6 as last and general advice I would say to keep up with training and methodologies and tools. Continuous training and remaining updated on latest trends is key to drive objective results #EvaluatePR

A6 And do not feel discouraged if you make something wrong. Fails are part of the process! #EvaluatePR


I always advice those that says it hard — Just start #EvaluatePR


A6: #EvaluatePR is a crucial learning tool to inform and improve future activities. Brands are demanding greater measurement and transparency. Make sure you know the value and insights you bring to organization.

A6: @AmecOrg has done outstanding work on improving #EvaluatePR across the world. A lot of case studies and education initiatives available through amecorg.com and the AMEC College — also check #AMECMM later this year!


A6: They should go back to the basis of what PR is about — deliberate, planned… when you don’t monitor, you cannot determine your impact and value as a brand #EvaluatePR

A6: PR is not a wish-washy industry. It is an industry of building and managing the reputation of brands. This is only made possible when we monitor and evaluate ourselves as a brand #Evaluate


A6: #EvaluatePR for improvement- “It isn’t just a pat on the back. Measurement is about marking, but evaluation is about improving.” #EvaluatePR


I would like to believe PR pros #EvaluatePR. It’s a receipt for value and core part of PR.


A6: “There is no point in just putting something out in the media and not listening to the entire PESO echoes.” #EvaluatePR



P+ Measurement Service

P+ Measurement Services is an Independent PR measurement and evaluation consultancy.